How to change the journey date in IRCTC booked ticket?
The railway allows its users to change the journey date of their journey and they can enjoy the procedure they can anytime change the date of the ticket you have booked so let us begin with the steps so that you can change the date of IRCTC ticket booking.
Steps to change the date of journey from IRCTC –
For the initial step, you need to visit the official website of IRCTC on the device you are using and then move to the second step.
In this step, you have to login into your IRCTC account by filling in the details and if you do not have an account then you can go for IRCTC login id and password creation.
Now you can go to my account and then my transactions and then booked ticket history.
Now you have to find your booked tickets and then you have to change the details you want to and then you can click on the final option of confirmation and click on the option called to confirm.
Now you have to display the message which will show you that the boarding point has been changed and you will also receive information regarding the same on the mobile number and also on the email address they want to see.
Passengers can also change the boarding station as well as the original boarding station too but they can do so only in 24 hours when they want to do this as the railway will not allow it.
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